Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Today we celebrate our parish feast day of the Most Precious Blood of Christ. Please join us after all the Masses for an ice-cream social in the Parish Hall. I hope you will be
able to stop by and enjoy some ice cream and fellowship. And thank you to all who can help out with serving and cleaning up.
We have currently raised $47,894 toward the goal of $50,000 for a second parish school activity bus. This leaves us with $2,106 that we still hope to raise. Thank you to all who have supported this dream of parish and school transportation for the upcoming fall! Of these donations, $1400 came in since Bishop Burbidge told us he would donate a matching donation for the bus, with any additional funds (after paying for fees, etc.) going toward subsidies to help needy students ride the bus, and also toward scholarships to attend the school. That means we have $8600 more to go for the Bishop’s $10,000 matching donation. Thank you so much Bishop Burbidge!
I would also like to thank the generosity of those who have contributed to the Help Joshua Fund. As of this writing, $20,300 has been raised, of which $6,109.27 has been disbursed as reimbursements for medical expenses. If you would like to write a check to contribute, please make it out to Precious Blood Church.
During the summer I’d like to encourage you to keep up with your faith formation. Some resources available to you, on behalf of our parish, are: : there are thousands of movies, video programs, audios and e-books at your fingertips! All of these programs are in Spanish and English; our parish code is V2XJNR; create your personal account with your email and password for future use!
There are lots of kid videos, games, Catholic Lego sets at
There are also CDs, movies about saints, and books of apologetics, fiction, and biographies available in our parish library.
Vacation Bible Camp is coming in a couple of weeks. It will begin on Sunday, July 21 (from 5:30 to 8:30 PM) and continue till Thursday, July 25. Under the direction of Karen Kulivan and Whitney Edwards, again this year, the children will be able to participate in: Totally Catholic: ROAR! Life is Wild, God is Good! See the bulletin for more details and volunteering opportunities below.
God bless,
Fr. Kevin