Thank you for your very generous donations. We were able to help 31 families this week. We are in dire need of a bi-lingual team member(s) who is able to reach out to the community by making phone calls in Spanish on Saturdays. Items we need this week: Canned goods: Corn Mixed Vegetables Carrots Mixed Fruit, Meat (ham, pork) Dry goods Pancake mix Syrup Jelly Masa Oil (pint size) Mayonnaise (in small jars) Instant mashed potatoes Rice Pasta dishes Side dishes Shelf-stable milk quarts Mac & Cheese Apple Sauce Coffee instant (not Keurig cups) Crackers Cookies Snacks Other Diapers (all sizes including 5 & 6) Toiletries (bath soap, toothpaste, shampoo, etc) Feminine products (pads preferred) Laundry detergent Fabric softener Dishwashing liquid
St. Joseph's Table Weekly Needs 9/6
Chris Dellinger
Updated: Aug 14, 2023