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Service Ministries

Altar Society

The Altar Society consists of a group of women (and a male or two when needed) who care for the altar and Sanctuary. Through their activities, they provide linens, altar candles, bread and wine, flowers, missals, and coordinate the cleaning and decoration of the Church. They always welcome new members. Meetings are the second Fridays of each month, except during the summer months.

Arimathean (Funeral) Ministry

Members of this ministry assist with preparations for Funeral Masses at Precious Blood. Please contact the Rectory Office if you are interested in joining this ministry.

Knights of Columbus

Knight of Columbus is a national organization. Our local John Cempre Council complements many of our parish goals. It pursues charitable and community endeavors, particularly for the mentally challenged. All male parishioners over the age of 18 are eligible for membership.  Our current Grand Knight is Isaac Robare. 

Ladies Auxiliary of the Knights of Columbus

LADIES AUXILIARY OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS is an organization of wives, widows, sisters, daughters, granddaughters, mothers, and grandmothers, 18 years and older of Knights in good standing, who assist and work with the Knights of Columbus Council. 

Prison Ministry

The Prison Ministry is a special group of men who regularly go to Coffeewood Correctional Center and minister to the men there. They celebrate Mass and pray with them. Please contact the office if you would like to join the Prision Ministry.

Culpeper Heat Shelter

The Culpeper Winter Heat Shelter offers a warm place to sleep and meals to homeless persons in need between November and March in Culpeper County, VA.


Our parish is among the different churches that host the Heat Shelter. 

Click here to view a video about the Heat Shelter.

Click here to go to the Heat Shelter Facebook page.

Precious Blood will once again be hosting the Culpeper Heat Shelter. We will be helping Jan. 21st-27th. Volunteers are needed for Donations (Food/Supplies), to Cook/Serve, Dinner/Cleanup, Entertainment/Fellowship, Intake and Overnight Chaperones. The Heat Shelter has a permanent home at St. Luke's Church. To sign up and volunteer please go to The Login Code is 200420 and the Security Code is 5365. Thank you for all of your generosity. 

Pro-Life Ministry

Our Mission Statement: 

Human life is a precious gift from God. Each person, in all stages of development, is a unique and unrepeatable gift from a loving Father in whose image they are created. We are called to protect all life with the utmost care from the moment of conception. Today’s church faces many issues involving the dignity of human life. Abortion plays a central role since it is the direct killing of an innocent human being and is always gravely immoral. We therefore pledge to proclaim the sanctity and value of human life by word, deed and prayers.


“To defend and promote life, to show reverence and love for it, is a task that God entrusts to every man, calling him as his living image to share in his own lordship over the world…”

(The Gospel of Life; Pope John Paul II)


 For families facing an unexpected pregnancy and give hope, help, health and healing. Call the Pregnancy Center at 540-727-0800 or or .


Some of the activities by The People for Life of Precious Blood: 

  • Support and fund raising for local crisis pregnancy centers. 

  • Participation in the “March for Life” in Washington, D.C. 

  • Participation in the “40 Days for Life” campaign. 

  • Participation in the “Life Chain” campaign. 

  • Spiritual adoption. 

  • Sponsoring Pro-life speakers for our youth programs. 

  • Political activism through Catholic internet web sites. 

  • Respect for the elderly through visitation and support of local activities.  

  • Youth activities: 

  • Participation in the “March for Life” in Washington, D.C.  

  • Participation in the "40 Days for Life" and "Life Chain" campaigns.          

  • Pro-Life poster/essay contests.           


Please help us to Defend and Promote All Life!


For more information please contact the Parish Office.


Become more informed about the protection of all life. 

Click on the links below to visit these websites.


Arlington Diocese - The Respect Life Office

Gabriel Project: Parish-based pregnancy assistance program

Project Rachel: Healing for women and men that have been affected by abortion

The Pregnancy Centers of Central Virginia: Provides all the information and care one needs to make an informed choice

March for Life in Washington D.C.

40 Days for Life: A focused pro life campaign with a vision to access Gods power through prayer, fasting, and peaceful vigil to end abortion in America.

The National Catholic Bioethics Center: Conducts research, consultation, publishing and education to promote human dignity in health care and the life sciences, and derives its message directly from the teachings of the Catholic Church.

Homebound Ministry

If you know someone who would like to have Holy Communion brought to them on a weekly or monthly basis, please contact the Rectory Office. All contacts will be kept confidential.

Please contact the Rectory Office at 540-827-4400 for

more information about how to join one of these ministries. 

St. John Paul II Library


Sundays: 9:30am - 11:30am

2nd Saturday: 6:00pm - 7:00pm


The library is located in the Old Rectory at the corner of N. Main St. and E. Edmondson St.

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Precious Blood Catholic Church 

114 E. Edmondson St. Culpeper, Virginia 22701

Phone: 540-827-4400​

© 2023 by Precious Blood Catholic Church. Powered by

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